The Power of Telehealth for Addiction Problems

The opioid crisis is one of the most pressing health concerns in the United States. With a significant portion of the population struggling with addiction, it is imperative that society utilizes every available tool to provide help to those in need. Telehealth has become a powerful resource in the fight against addiction, providing both access to care and connection to vital support services.

Telehealth is the delivery of health services, including counseling and medical treatments, over electronic communication technology. Common telehealth applications include telemedicine, which allows patients to consult with doctors or specialists via video chat, and tele counseling, which enables users to access to support and mental health services without ever having to leave their homes.

Telehealth for addiction is particularly powerful due to the way it can create connection between people in need of help and professionals who can provide it. People with substance use disorders may feel ashamed or even scared to seek help in-person, so telehealth services can remove these barriers to treatment and provide better access to care. Additionally, telehealth enables recovery-focused support services to reach people who would otherwise be unable to access them, such as those in rural areas or who cannot take the time away from their job or family to seek help.

Telehealth can also provide continual connection to support networks, which is ideologically useful as it provides patients with a way to stay connected and seek support even in the midst of a crisis. Additionally, telehealth provides medication-assisted treatment options, such as Suboxone, which can help reduce drug cravings and therefore reduce the risk of relapse.

However, while telehealth is a powerful tool in the fight against substance use disorders, care must be taken to ensure that it is used in an ethical and safe manner. For example, when utilizing telehealth for addiction, it is important to ensure that all patient data is kept secure, and that patient consent is obtained prior to any treatment. Additionally, providers must be vigilant in order to ensure patient safety, as some individuals may be trying to self-diagnose or externalize their problems, leading to dangerous practices.

The opioid crisis has created a dire need for access to necessary care and services. Telehealth is a powerful tool that can allow society to overcome these obstacles and bring quality care to those in need. However, while telehealth can be a powerful resource, it must be utilized in an ethical and responsible manner. By following best practices and ensuring patient safety, telehealth can be an invaluable resource in the fight against addiction.

The Benefits of Alternative Help in Addiction

Addiction can be a difficult problem to tackle but luckily, there are a variety of methods that individuals can use to recover and stay sober. One such method is alternative help in addiction, which is becoming increasingly popular. This type of help integrates traditional Western medicine with alternative therapies such as yoga, meditation, and creative arts therapy. These therapies have been shown to be extremely successful in helping individuals to overcome their addictions and lead healthier, more productive lives.

The first benefit of alternative help in addiction is that it fosters a more holistic approach to recovery. Instead of relying solely on medications and/or counseling sessions, alternative help in addiction promotes an approach that considers the whole person. This means looking past just the addiction, and considering the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of recovery. It also takes into account the environment in which a person lives and works, providing an opportunity to make necessary lifestyle changes and support systems in order to succeed in recovery.

Another benefit of alternative help in addiction is that it allows an individual to explore his or her feelings and beliefs in a safe, non-judgmental environment. This type of help can also provide an individual with a greater understanding of what addiction is and how it affects their functioning on a daily basis. Additionally, alternative help often allows people to confront issues that they may have difficulty discussing in traditional settings, such as past trauma or shame.

One additional benefit of alternative help in addiction is that it often includes a variety of strategies for managing stress and cravings. Through alternative help, individuals can learn relaxation techniques, mindfulness practices, cognitive behavioral therapy, and other strategies that can help them stay on track with their recovery plan. For some, this type of help can even lead to lifestyle changes that can lead to more meaningful progress in recovery.

Finally, alternative help in addiction has the potential to be both cost-effective and feasible. While there are costs associated with this type of help, they can often be covered either through insurance or through non-profit organizations that provide assistance. Additionally, many of the alternative therapies used in this type of help can be done at home, providing an opportunity for individuals to integrate these practices into their daily lives.

In conclusion, alternative help in addiction can be an extremely beneficial option for individuals in recovery. This type of help can foster a more holistic approach that considers the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of addiction recovery. Additionally, it allows individuals to explore their feelings and beliefs in a safe environment, while also providing a variety of strategies for managing stress and cravings. Finally, this type of help can be cost-effective and feasible, making it an attractive option for many.

The Stress Relieving Benefits of Alternative Help Options

Stress is an unwelcome part of modern life for many of us. It can be caused by a wide range of factors, from a demanding job to a chaotic household. One of the best ways to cope with stress is to look for alternative help options. In this article, we will explore some of the alternative help options available and how they can benefit those under stress.

There is no single way of dealing with stress, and everyone’s needs are different. This is why it’s important to think carefully about the options available and what your goals are in finding help. Generally speaking, the overall aim when looking for stress relief should be to reduce your stress levels and work towards long-term relief.

One of the most popular alternative help options is meditation. This ancient practice has been around for centuries and can provide many benefits, including helping to reduce stress and improve concentration. Meditation is simple and cost-effective, and you can use it anytime and anywhere. All you need to do is focus on your breathing and clear your mind. You can also use guided meditation, which has specific themes and breathing exercises designed to help you de-stress.

Yoga is another popular form of stress relief which has become increasingly popular in recent years. As with meditation, yoga can help to relax your mind and body. It combines stretching and breathing with relaxation, which is effective in helping to reduce stress and improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Mindfulness is also a great way of managing stress. This is a technique which focuses on being present and tuning into the here and now. By consciously paying attention to your thoughts and feelings in the moment, you can become more aware of any stress triggers and better able to manage your stress levels.

If you prefer to talk things over and prefer to find relaxation through talking, there are a number of alternative help options available. For example, you could speak to a trained counselor who can provide support and guidance in dealing with stress. Online therapy provides an alternative approach to traditional counseling, and there are many practitioners out there who can provide support from the comfort of your own home.

Exercise is also a great method of dealing with stress. Not only is it great for physical benefits like improved fitness and mood, but it can also act as a great way of boosting self-esteem and relieving stress. Exercise can be done anywhere and anytime, and there are many low-cost or free forms of exercise which can be done at home.

Finally, there are also many other natural and herbal remedies which can be used to help reduce stress, such as aromatherapy, massage, and herbs such as lavender and chamomile. These can help to reduce stress and improve overall wellbeing.

Alternative help options can be an effective way of managing stress and improving wellbeing. It’s important to take the time to explore your options and find out which option works best for you. Whether it’s meditation, yoga, mindfulness, exercise, or natural remedies, finding a form of help which suits you can be a great way of getting relief from stress.

Helping a Person Suffering from Addiction

Addiction is a severe problem, not only for the person suffering but for their family and friends as well. It can disrupt everything from relationships to careers and have long-term physical and emotional effects. It can be difficult to watch a loved one, friend, or colleague go through the struggles of addiction, but there are ways to help. This article will provide information about how to help a person who is suffering from an addiction.

The first step in helping someone who is struggling with an addiction is to try to show understanding and non-judgement. It is important to offer words of support and encouragement whenever possible. Acknowledge that addiction is an illness, and try to be understanding when the person is struggling. Encourage them to seek treatment and support them when they do.

It can also be beneficial to research resources that can help. There are a variety of support groups that can provide resources for both the person with an addiction and their loved ones. Many times, these organizations provide meetings or online forums where individuals can talk openly about their addiction and find resources to help them recover.

In order to help a person who is suffering from an addiction, it is also important to set boundaries. It is important to set boundaries for yourself and the person struggling with addiction in order to protect yourself from being enmeshed in their addiction. Boundaries can also help the person struggling with the addiction to have a sense of safety and structure.

It is also important to provide support by simply being present. Let the person know that they can talk to you when they want to and be available to listen. Offer to spend time with them doing activities that help them to take their mind off their addiction and provide distraction. If the person is in need of medical or emotional support, offer to help connect them to the appropriate resources.

Lastly, it is important to take care of yourself when helping someone who is suffering from an addiction. Make time for yourself and your own personal needs. Spend time doing activities that you enjoy, including getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly. If providing help is taking a toll on your own mental health, seek support from knowledgeable healthcare professionals, family, and friends.

When providing help to a person suffering from an addiction, it is important to reach out for help. Many times, family and friends can provide support, resources, and guidance. There are also numerous organizations that provide support and resources for those struggling with an addiction. Take the time to research what might be helpful in the situation and contact a professional for further guidance.

In conclusion, helping a person who is suffering from an addiction can be challenging, but it is possible. It is important to show understanding and non-judgement, set boundaries, provide support, and make sure to look after your own mental health. It is also important to reach out to professionals and organizations for additional help and resources. By following these steps, you may be able to help the person suffering from addiction on their journey towards recovery.

The Progression of Addiction

Addiction is such a scary thing because it could be hiding in the closet at any moment. It is completely unpredictable by nature – meaning there is no way of knowing just exactly who it will affect and just how severe it might become.

Nor is there any test or magic wand that you can wave to get these answers. You will not go for a check-up one day and your doctor come back and say, “I’m sorry, but it looks like you are going to get an addiction.” That just isn’t how addiction works. It is a different type of disease.

It starts with just trying something.

You can’t get addicted to something you’ve never tried, right? But, don’t let this scare you – just because you try something doesn’t mean you will become addicted.

You might drink a beer and never have one again in your life. Or you might have a glass of wine, and then only ever have it on occassion.

However, every addict tried whatever it is that they are addicted to for the first time at some point.

Then you realize you like it.

For whatever reason, you decide you like it. Rather it is the buzz from the alcohol, the sugar from the sweets, the high from the drugs – you like something about the way it made you feel.

This is what makes you decide to do it again. But, this does not necessarily mean you are addicted yet. It is okay to like a beer and have one every once in a while. It is okay to like chocolate cake and eat it as a celebration for a special occasion.

But next, you crave it.

Now, you’ve reached a new level with whatever it is you like. You start to crave it. Maybe it isn’t an all the time thing, but sometimes you find yourself really wanting it. Maybe you’ve had a long day and you really just want to go home and have a beer. Or maybe you are stressed about an upcoming exam and could really just enjoy a piece of cake while you watch your favorite show.

And now, you need it.

Then comes the tell-tale sign of addiction – you need it. Your body needs it to function. You can’t come home from a bad day and recover until you’ve had this. You simply can’t go without it. Your body is requiring it.

Addiction is not something that happens overnight, and this can also be what makes it so hard to accept. It seems normal for so long, until one day you realize you have a problem.

Tips for Mothers of Addicts

As parents, our top priority is to keep our children safe. We carried them, we birthed them, and we raised them. It is our one goal in life to continue to keep them safe and watch them live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life.

However, sometimes there are things that can we cannot protect our children from. Despite our best efforts, they will ultimately make their own decisions and that is not within our control. One of these choices might be an addiction. And watching your child suffer with an addiction can be trying, upsetting and overall exhausting. You might feel as though you are alone and that it is your fault, or that nothing you do is helping them overcome this struggle in life.

But, you are not alone. There are plenty of others who have struggled with watching their child struggle through addiction. All addicts have parents out there somewhere, and many of them are feeling just like you.

While you might not be able to make decisions for your child, here is some advice to remember:

  1. Love your child.One of the best things you can continue to do is love your child. Be cautious and don’t become an enabler, but continue to love your child as you always have.

    Be compassionate and listen to them. Rejoice with them in their victories – no matter how small they might be.

  2. Protect yourself and your family.While you should continue to love your child, remember that you and the rest of your family are still important. If this means you need to love your child from a distance, then so be it. Continue to love your child, but don’t neglect yourself and the rest of your family in the meantime.
  3. Offer to help them get the help they need.While you might want to continue to house them and/or give them money, that might only be enabling them. One of the best things you can do is to help them get the help they need.

    Use your resources to help locate a viable recovery option for them. Support their decision to go to recovery and make it obvious that you do.

  4. Remind them that they are in control of their choices.Sometimes they just need to hear the cold, hard truth and from someone they trust. Remind them that it is their decisions that got them here and it is their decisions that could get them out.

At the end of the day, do the best you can and the rest will be up to them.

Partying Without Taking Drugs

One of the main things that comes with overcoming an addiction is the changes in your lifestyle. Addiction is often associated with the people you hang out with and the things you do. So when it comes to getting clean, you might feel like you can no longer have fun because you can no longer do the things you are used to doing.

While you should stay away from things that might be tempting and areas where your previous addiction might be present, there are alternative ways to have fun. Believe it or not, you can still party without taking drugs.

Who says that drugs and alcohol have to be involved to have fun? Here are a few other things you could do instead:

  1. Have a movie-watching party.Rather it is a new movie hitting the big screen that you have been waiting to see or a show series you have been dying to binge watch, you could turn it into a fun get-together.

    Grab some friends, some popcorn and your pajamas and make it a party! This is a great way to relax, laugh, hangout with friends and have an overall good time all while remaining sober.

  2. Do a painting class.There are plenty of organized group party options that you wouldn’t have to put on that also don’t involve drugs or alcohol. Something such as a painting class is an organized hangout that is productive, relaxing, fun and safe.

    This is a great way to get everyone together and maybe even pick up a new hobby! Plus, painting is a healthy hobby to develop post-addiction recovery.

  3. Keep it clean.Sometimes though, we understand you just want to hang out. Maybe you just want to have a BBQ with some friends, hang out in the backyard and talk about the good ‘ole day. Well, guess what? You can still do this, too.

    While you might have to modify some things after you recover from an addiction, it is worth it. Find great virgin drinks to make instead. It could be something like a virgin pina colada or even something as simple as lemonade.

Just because you are staying away from drugs and alcohol does not mean suddenly everything has to be bland and boring. There are several healthy alternatives, and real friends should understand and be willing to make accommodations to keep things in line with your new lifestyle.

Massage and Addiction Recovery

When it comes to overcoming an addiction, it takes various methods. Of course, an addiction recovery facility is one of the most vital aspects, but it also helps to have other coping methods for when you return back to a normal life.

Having healthy habits, hobbies and alternatives are key to maintaining your addiction recovery once you come home. Exercising, eating healthy, and learning new hobbies such as painting or sewing is a great way to help yourself stick to your recovery. But there is also another great addition to your new life that you might consider – massages.

Massages are a great way to relax from a stressful day, which is something that you will often find yourself needing an alternative option to once you are clean.

A massage offers several benefits including:

  • Reducing anger, anxiety, and depression
  • Aiding in the ability to sleep – therefore, easing sleep problems
  • Providing an alternative, natural healing and outlet for stress that does not include the use of drugs or alcohol
  • Releases “feel good” hormones which can help give off the same satisfaction as the dopamine released when partaking in drugs or alcohol
  • Building trust. This might seem simple, but it takes trust to allow someone to massage you when you don’t know them – to trust them not to hurt you and to trust that they know what they are doing. This might be a simple thing, but rebuilding trust is important for recovering addicts and it is best when done in small, simple settings such as this.
  • Helps alleviate pain symptoms, which can also be a trigger for recovering addicts.

When you are recovering from addiction, and even after you have recovered, it is important that you find healthy alternatives to treating pain, relieving stress, and curing boredom.

Getting a massage is one of those healthy alternatives to consider. It is also a great thing to ask for as a gift from people – so you always have something to add to your birthday or Christmas wishlist.

Have you found other healthy alternatives that have helped you with, or even after, your recovery? Share those with us below. It might help give other people ideas of things that might work for them.

Addiction recovery is a group effort. Don’t be afraid to talk about your journey and to discuss things with others who have been through the same situation or one similar. It helps to have peers supporting you.

Creating A Relapse Prevention Plan

If you are a planner, you might have already considered creating a relapse prevention plan. But if you are not, let us introduce you to the idea of one.

It is best to start out any new journey with a plan. This will help you have a clear idea of what your goals are, why you are doing what you are doing, and a backup plan in case something does not go the way you planned for it to go.

A relapse prevention plan not only gives you a physical tool for when it comes to addiction recovery, but it can also help get you in the mental mindset to start your new journey and to be successful. Let’s just be real for a moment – addiction recovery can seem exhilarating at first and the adrenaline involved with a fresh start can be enough push to get you going. However, that fresh feeling can wear off. This is where you prevention plan can come into action.

Every success story begins with a plan of action.

First, start by taking a moment to think about what your triggers are. This will be important in helping you understand what you might need to avoid and also helping you narrow down what it is that caused you to feel the need to relapse, should that scenario occur. You will also likely need a plan of action for each individual trigger on your list.

Second, you need to narrow down the feelings associated with those triggers. Do they make you feel anxious, sad, angry? Knowing how those things make you feel can also help you determine what the best final plan of action will be to fight off those triggers.

Lastly, you need to think of a plan of action to combat those triggers. You need to consider the trigger, how you feel and what is something that would be impactful enough to combat the trigger.

There is no set prevention plan that fits everyone – it is not a cookie cutter type deal. This is something that is unique to each individual, to each recovering addict. It is something you will need to put some thought into. However, it is a vital aspect of your recovery and a tool that could really make or break your sobriety record for you.

What does your prevention plan look like? Did you pull ideas from other people? Did you find something unique that you think is interesting? Do share!